Anorexic Models Bragging About Eating Junk Food

From IBTimes:
Romanian model Ioana Spangenberg has a freakish figure: She has a natural 20-inch waist in contrast to her 32-inch hips. At 84 pounds and with her wide hips and tiny waist, the 30-year- old model has been dubbed by the UK’s The Sun newspaper as “the human hourglass.”
Spangenberg said she eats three square meals daily but cannot gain weight in her mid area. She said when she was 13 years old her waist was around 15 inches wide.
“Someone could put their hands around it, their fingers would touch and they would still have extra room,” she told The Sun.
“No one seems to believe it, but every day I eat three big meals and I snack on chocolate and crisps all the time,” Spangenberg added. “I just have a small stomach. It’s a bit like having a natural gastric band – if I eat too much, I feel sick.”
Spangenberg told the paper that when she was in her 20s she struggled with her self-esteem.
“In Romania it is better to be overweight, because that means you are from a wealthy family…so while my friends were going out and dating, I was sitting at home with Mars bars wishing I could fatten up,” she said.
I am not sure if that is true… unless she has some serious underlying illness, maybe a thyroid disfunction or something. her ribs and bones are showing everywhere.
It is a fact that she likes the audience attention, because else she would not be making those modelling pictures, some of them in very provocative poses.
But let’s presume that she has starved herself into looking like this, maybe with the help of corsets to narrow down the waist over the years.

It is all about being perceived as special, as something “more”, or to be desired. It is an effect of a shallow world where human beings destroy their body in order to get possitive attention. And that is truly sad.
We destroy our bodies, to be accepted. But the thing is, when you self-esteem is so low that you start to do this, the acceptance of others will NEVER be enough. Because in the beauty industry, one day your in, the other your out. And when your “out” you have no self-confidence to fall back on. You at one point will loose others acceptance. And it is fucked up that many of that acceptance is based on wether they think your profitable or not. You become an object of the industry.
The other day I was watching a documentary about a woman who was going to starve herself into size 0. At one point she wanted to do an experiment.
She stood near a big board that said “looking for models”, with a scale and measure stick. A lot of young girls came by, and she asked them: if I would ask you to loose 5kg and starve yourself to become a model, are you willing to do this because you need to loose some weight?
Most of them said yes.
And it shocked her a lot, that girls are driven so far that they would damage their health to be a “model”.
But model life is not as glamorous as it seems.
MEARS: Well, there’s a lot of misleading conceptions about what the modeling life is like. In part that’s due to the nature of the job. It’s what we would call a winner-take-all industry, meaning that you have a handful of winners at the top of the hierarchy who are making very visible and very lucrative rewards, and we see that all the time celebrated in the popular press.
However, there’s an enormous pile of people who are struggling to make ends meet or just getting by, that are hoping for their chance to become winners as well. And so when we de-center those winners, and we don’t look at them, but rather we look at all the invisible people that are trying to become them, we get a pretty different picture, exactly the opposite of what most people think modeling is like.
It is technically what a sociologist would call – it’s structurally a bad job, meaning that it’s precarious work.
You can also see videos about it here:
So what we do, is have girls starving and destroying themselves, in order to make profit.
I mean, at fashion shows, we are literally sitting on chairs, where young anorexic girls are showing off clothing, walking around in front of our eyes, killing themselves… and we are like: ooooo nice clothing, ooeee look at that skirt. Omg this is awesome! And applaud.
It is really sick behavior. If I was not used to it, and I was an alien from another planet. I would be like: THE FUCK??? What a dangerous species those humans are! They exploit and destroy their own kind for profit!
Girls please don’t fall for these traps. You dont need the world approval to be “good enough” or “pretty enough”. You don’t need the model agents to think your beautiful so that they can USE you. Are that really the kind of people you want to attract? The people that care only about how you look and make you destroy your body, the body that supports your life day in day out?

Another point is, that this woman is now all over the media. Some of them talk shit about her or eating disorders in general, act like it is wrong etc… but on the other hand promote anorexia and starvation. I guess as long as it makes money, it is all alright.

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